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Definitions that I found:

  • an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by expectation or awareness of danger
  • concern about what may happen
  • a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid


Fear is an interesting thing. If you buy-in to fear, which we unknowingly do more often than we think, it will drive you crazy. Fear can cause you to change your actions in ways that are often quite detrimental to situations, yourself, and/or other people. It has a way of making you focus on things that have not and most likely will not even happen, but you are somehow convinced that there is a strong possibility of the occurrence of the thing that you fear. And what do you do? Naturally, we try to avoid the situation. So, we lie, avoid people and places, panic, overthink, overanalyze, move to a new location, quit a job, end a relationship, lash out in anger, fight… I could go on for days. Why? Because I have operated in fear most of my life. I could be an expert on the effects of fear. True story. Real talk. Honestly, NOTHING positive has EVER come from my fears.

So why am I writing this post? To remind myself and those who read this to focus on positive things. Also, make decisions based on real evidence and facts rather than your emotions. Focus on the desired outcome and take things one step at a time and one day at a time. A wise, brown-eyed, young man reminded me that life and many of the situations that we pursue marathons, not sprints. There is no quick fix and quick sprint to the finish line.

Focus on your faith and not your fears. When you feel yourself giving in to a fear or having a negative emotional/physical response to something based on a fear, take a step back and refocus. Operate in the things that God gave you – power, love, and a sound mind/sound thinking.

Just a few random thoughts…


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