
I decided to look up December blog challenges and found one from a few years ago. For the 26th of December, the topic was supposed to be “grateful.” This seemed fitting since I have spent the past few days thinking about what I am grateful for. I’m going to share one.




2013 has been a year of growth for me. I have learned so many difficult lessons and felt like giving up more times that I ever have in my entire life. I won’t share any part of the things that happened in my life this year. Not yet. However, I have learned that every situation teaches a lesson and with every lesson comes wisdom and growth. I’ve grown a lot! I’m not perfect, but I have a much better understanding of myself, God, and people because of my experiences this year. This understanding has allowed me to fully accept who I am as an individual, trust God for who He is, and understand that general nature of people. Growth is tough, but absolutely beneficial and necessary in this life. I’m grateful for growth and the person that I am because of it. 


What do you do when everything you’ve worked hard for seems to be falling apart? What do you do when everybody that you love and care about the most seems to suddenly want nothing to do with you? What do you do when nothing seems to be going right in your life and all you want to do is give up?

I think we all experience something similar to this from time to time. You feel like you have finally figured out the right way to get things done or you feel like you have the right people in your life and everything seems to be progressing well. And then… all of a sudden… something comes out of left field. You’re lost. You’re confused. Your mind starts working overtime trying to come up with an answer, but you’re left frustrated.

I’ve been through this several times. I know it might happen again in the future. One thing that I’ve learned is that tough situations come and go. The only thing that we can control is our response to these situations.

In the questions that I asked above, the word “seem” is present a few times. I’ve learned that when things aren’t going well and we don’t have an answer, we go by what things seem like. We start to assume, worry, and fear what is happening or what may/may not be happening. This causes anxiety, hurt, and can even make you sick. But in these times, we have to respond differently. Fear will make you assume and start to react. You start to make decisions based in fear and you could lose the very thing that you think you’re working hard to keep.

When things seems to be falling apart, people begin to distance themselves, things don’t seem to be going right, and you begin to feel stressed or anxious, stop. Like, literally stop. You have to stop and pray, journal, or vent to a friend that you can trust. I suggest all three, honestly. Praying allows you to give all of these cares, worries, and stressful situations over to God. You can trust Him with them because He sees what we can’t see and can take care of all of it. Nothing is too big for Him and he cares about even the things we think are too small to come to Him with. Journaling helps me to sort my thoughts and feelings out on paper. It’s a place where I can leave my thoughts and feelings and even come up with a solution for how to move forward. Venting to a friend allows you to release to a person that cares for you and they may also have some great advice for you to help you push forward. Once these things are completed, DO NOT go back. The situation may not be “fixed” but once you’ve removed the fear and anxiety, don’t go back and pick it up. That won’t change the situation and it is counterproductive. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Replace extra amounts of time with positive activities that you have been putting off. Replace negative energy with positive and productive energy that will push you forward and energize you. You will feel better and you will begin to see these situations working themselves out.

Never speak against your desires. Meaning, if you want a job but feel like you had a bad interview, choose to speak positively. Thank God for the blessing of having the opportunity to interview. When you feel like everything is gone or the people you care about the most have left you, focus on the good. Begin to be grateful for the things and people that you do have. Make a list and thank God for them. You will quickly realize that you are extremely blessed.

Be grateful for small beginnings. These give you hope. I am really trusting God with a couple of situations in my own life. I had a great beginning with both situations, but I’ve come across a rough patch. But what keeps me moving is that I was blessed to have a great beginning in both situations. My foot is in the door and I am so blessed to even have those opportunities. So while things seem to be at a standstill, I thank God for what I actually have. I had to stop myself and recognize that there is a lot of good in both situations and before I know it, I will see major moves being made. So for now, I take things one day at a time. I can’t worry about a day that I haven’t seen yet and I can’t waste the current days’ time focusing on days and situations that don’t even exist.

Spend every day becoming a better you and being a blessing to at least one person. Do you best in everything that you attempt to do with the days that you are given and choose to have an attitude of gratitude and a joyful heart. Some days are tough. I have some extremely tough days in my short life. But, if I could go back to some of them, I would pick myself up, recognize all of the great things that I do have, and press forward so that I didn’t waste so many days having pity parties. Each of us can be great. We have to focus on what’s important, be content with our blessings, trust God to take care of all of our needs and desires, and strive for the best each and every day.

That’s my rant for the day. It’s pretty random and isn’t organized, but that’s how my mind works sometimes. LoL

Be blessed. Be a blessing. Be thankful. Give thanks. Make the best of every single day that you are blessed to see. I promise, you have so much to grateful for and so much to give.

Just my random thoughts.


If you Love Som…

If you Love Someone

Inspired by the quote:
“If you love someone, let them go, If they return to you, it was meant to be. If they don’t their love was never yours to begin with”
-Source Unknown

If you love someone,
Let them go,
If you love someone,
Set them free,
Close your eyes,
Wave farewell,
Tell them,
That you love them,
But they must be free,
That you care for them,
But it is time for them to leave,
To find their own way,
Their own path.
Having said your piece turn away,
And walk home.

If someone loves you,
They won’t let go,
If someone loves you,
They won’t want to be free,
Open your eyes,
If they return to you,
It is meant to be.

If someone does not return,
It was not meant to be,
If someone does not come back,
The love was never there,
And their love was never yours to begin with.


Keeping up with…

Most of us have heard or read “The Ten Commandments” at some point in our lives. In my adult years, I’ve come to realize that there is one that people seem to overlook and it causes so much frustration, pain, and heartbreak in their lives. I assume this is due to societal pressures, the media, family influences, or a lack of understanding. This post doesn’t seek to determine the causes, but rather to help people recognize and adjust when faced with the situation.


What am I talking about?




Keeping up with the Joneses… Trying to outdo the next person… Staying ahead of the game… There’s levels to this ish and trying to live on a level that you aren’t on…

IDK what else the young and cool crowd says to describe this, but it’s basically forcing yourself to live a life or have a situation because you see a similar situation happening for somebody else and you want it.

Here’s a few examples:

  • Your homeboy is unemployed but somehow manages to buy the newest iPhone, Jordan’s, and video games within the first five minutes of their release. You have a job making $12 an hour and decide to quit and get involved in your homeboy’s hustle.  
  • Your best friend is being pursued by a gentleman who is making her happy and encouraging her to follow her dreams. You recently discovered you were a side chick, cut it off with dude, and vow to make the next one the last one… even if it’s a dude that you meet the very next day at the club
  • Your college roommate decided to change careers and move to NYC because she feels led to do so. Everything is falling into place for them and they are extremely happy. You decide to do the same thing.


The Commandment

(Exodus 20:17 NIV)  “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor”


The Definition

yearn to possess or have (something)


The commandment is simple. Basically, don’t yearn to have anything that your neighbor has. Why? The reason is because you have NO IDEA what they went through to get what they have. Also, you have NO IDEA what the consequences of their decisions are. Let’s look at the examples again.


  • Your homeboy is unemployed but somehow manages to buy the newest iPhone, Jordan’s, and video games within the first five minutes of their release. You have a job making $12 an hour and decide to quit and get involved in your homeboy’s hustle.   – Results: Your homeboy is being investigated by the FBI for drug possession and distribution. The day that you decide to join him is the SAME DAY that he’s caught. You are also in possession of drugs with the intent to distribute. You’re charged with a felony and put in prison for several years. (That $12 an hour and waiting a few months for shoes and games doesn’t look so bad now, right?)
  • Your best friend is being pursued by a gentleman who is making her happy and encouraging her to follow her dreams. You recently discovered you were a side chick, cut it off with dude, and vow to make the next one the last one… even if it’s a dude that you meet the very next day at the club. – Results:  The guy that you meet was initially interested in you, but because you desperately wanted what your best friend had, you force “romance” on the guy. This pushes him away and you end up alone after a few weeks of dat… no… having sex on the regular.
  • Your college roommate decided to change careers and move to NYC because she feels led to do so. Everything is falling into place for them and they are extremely happy. You decide to do the same thing. – Results:  You move, can’t find a job, and have nowhere to live. You find out that there was a great opportunity waiting for you at home, but you missed out on it following someone else’s dream.


I’ve learned this lesson the hard way. I’ve wanted some things so bad that I forced them to happen. I forced the situations to work. Why? Because I convinced myself that I deserved whatever other people had. The issue is that I only saw the surface. I had no idea what type of trouble and issues the other person was going through or, my destiny/dream was temporarily put on hold because I wanted what somebody else had instead of following my own path.

Your life is yours to live. Don’t make it more difficult trying to make your life mirror the lives of those around you. If your friends are happy, be happy for them. Encourage them and support them. IF your friends are doing something wrong, let them know and help them find a better way. Follow YOUR dreams and follow that path that God has set for YOU. Trust me, in the end, it’s all worth it.  



Definitions that I found:

  • an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by expectation or awareness of danger
  • concern about what may happen
  • a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid


Fear is an interesting thing. If you buy-in to fear, which we unknowingly do more often than we think, it will drive you crazy. Fear can cause you to change your actions in ways that are often quite detrimental to situations, yourself, and/or other people. It has a way of making you focus on things that have not and most likely will not even happen, but you are somehow convinced that there is a strong possibility of the occurrence of the thing that you fear. And what do you do? Naturally, we try to avoid the situation. So, we lie, avoid people and places, panic, overthink, overanalyze, move to a new location, quit a job, end a relationship, lash out in anger, fight… I could go on for days. Why? Because I have operated in fear most of my life. I could be an expert on the effects of fear. True story. Real talk. Honestly, NOTHING positive has EVER come from my fears.

So why am I writing this post? To remind myself and those who read this to focus on positive things. Also, make decisions based on real evidence and facts rather than your emotions. Focus on the desired outcome and take things one step at a time and one day at a time. A wise, brown-eyed, young man reminded me that life and many of the situations that we pursue marathons, not sprints. There is no quick fix and quick sprint to the finish line.

Focus on your faith and not your fears. When you feel yourself giving in to a fear or having a negative emotional/physical response to something based on a fear, take a step back and refocus. Operate in the things that God gave you – power, love, and a sound mind/sound thinking.

Just a few random thoughts…



A good friend of mine used to talk about rescripting when I lived in Atlanta. She would post it in her Facebook statuses and I always wondered what it meant. One day, I asked her. Once I figured out what it was, I tried it. It changed my life and i find myself rescripting at least once a year. Well… it’s that time.


Let me attempt to explain what rescripting means from my point of view. Rescripting is the process of rewriting your story or changing the script. Basically, if you see that the “scenes” of your life are off track and they don’t align with the purpose of your life, you need to rescript. Rescripting is taking the time to slow down and realign yourself if your goals and dreams. You have a “come to Jesus” moment with yourself and you honestly determine where you are currently and where you ultimately want to me. You take stock of your emotions, gifts, talents, mistakes, lessons learned from mistakes, and current path and you strategically plot out changes that need to be made.

I’m in the process of rescripting again. I enjoy the process and I look forward to the growth that I will experience as I take steps to become a better me. I will post the steps as I go through them as well as the lessons that I learn.



Today, I listed my dreams. I listed three things that I ultimately want to be or want to positively impact. These are the things that i am going to focus on.

I also made the decision to go back to the basics. For me, the basics are related to my physical, spiritual, and mental health. The basics are: prayer, meditation, fitness, healthy eating, rest, and renewal.

Time to get started!


Is it time for you to rescript? Start today!



Just some random thoughts…


Unique Love

A fellow blogger and close friend responded to a question that Rob Hill Sr, posted on a social networking site a while back. The question got me thinking and I decided to post my answer here.

What makes your love unique and why should it be enough for forever?

My love is pure and genuine. It’s strong, committed and everlasting. My love is deep, determined, encouraging and always willing to grow. My love will never be questioned because when I love, my love is clear and consistent. My love is gentile and honest. It wants the best for those that I share it with whether times are good or bad. My love is not judgmental. My love is understanding and supportive. My love builds you up and never intends to tear you down. It grows and improves with each day that passes. My love communicates through music, laughter, writing, speaking, and actions. My love shares and it genuinely cares. It doesn’t doubt because my love has faith and hope. My love is different. It shows and proves instead of just speaking and using cliche terms. My love is powered by God’s love.

My love should be enough for forever because that’s how long my love will last. It is infinite. There are many ways to express my love and it will take forever to give anyone a full demonstration of it. Since my love comes from God, it is everlasting. I have been preserving my romantic love for the one person that is ready and willing to share their unique love with me forever.

p.s check out

When it’s diffi…

When it’s difficult to be positive, be quiet. Don’t speak your negative thoughts or complain.

Joel Osteen from sermon titled “Be positive or be quiet”